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This guide will take you through integrating deepstreamHub with Twilio's Programmable Voice API. If you'd like to dive right into the code you can have a look at the GitHub repository for this tutorial here.

There are many use cases for creating calls in applications, from reminders to voice messages and more. We'll be showing how to create a simple call-provider that calls numbers when requested. We'll be using the deepstreamHub JavaScript client SDK and the Twilio SDK for NodeJs.

In this tutorial, we'll be creating a simple form where we can create personalised calls to invite people to a party, that will then afterwards play Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley.

Create a free account and get your API key

High level overview

To create a phone call in Twilio we need to provide three things, a fromNumber, a toNumber and a url. It might look a bit strange that we have to provide a URL to make a phone call, however this URL will have an HTTP POST sent to it once the call is established, with the response being what is said to the recipient. Usually we'd need to set up a simple server that would provide the custom XML we need, however Twilio also provides a way to do this via TwiML Bin - a place where they host snippets of XML for you.

We'll be using a back end process powered by deepstreamHub to handle requests and create calls based on an XML configuration hosted in TwiML Bin.

Get started with Twilio

The first thing you'll need to do after creating your deepstreamHub account is create a free account over at Twilio. You'll need to get a registered phone number that you can create calls from, however Twilio makes this easy with the $15.50 free credit they give you. This will give you an accountSid and authToken that we can use to get started with.

const accountSid = '<Your Twilio SID>'
const authToken = '<Your Twilio auth token>'
const twilio = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken)

Creating a call via the Twilio SDK is now as easy as:

    url: '<XML response url>',
    to: '<To phone number>',
    from: '<Registered phone number>'
}, (err, call) => {
    console.log(err, call)

After this we can use TwiML Bin, to create an XML response as follows:


The url you're provided with after clicking create will be the url you need to provide when calling twilio.calls.create.

Integrating it with deepstreamHub

Remote Procedure Calls are deepstreamHub’s request-response mechanism. Clients and backend processes can register as “providers” for a given RPC, identified by a unique name. Other endpoints can request said RPC.

deepstreamHub will route requests to the right provider, load-balance between multiple providers for the same RPC, and handle data-serialisation and transport.

Let's next create our call-provider, all we need to do is provide an RPC method called phone-call and whenever it is invoked, create a phone call to the number given to us.

Earlier, in the XML snippet we created with TwiML Bin, we specified the variables Name and Day. Here we're just passing these into the query string of our URL, Twilio takes care of the rest.

const client = deepstream('<Your app URL>')

client.rpc.provide('phone-call', (data, response) => {
  const { name, day, number } = data
    url: `<TwiML Bin URL>?Name=${name}&Day=${day}`,
    to: number,
    from: '<Registered phone number>'
  }, (err, call) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {

Finally we can write the client side code that invokes the phone-call RPC. All we need is a simple form where we can enter the name and number for the person we want to invite to our party, as well as the day of the party.


With the following JavaScript, we get the data that has been put into the fields and invoke the phone-call RPC via client.rpc.make.

const client = deepstream('<Your app URL>')

function call() {
  const name = document.getElementById('name').value
  const number = document.getElementById('number').value
  const day = document.getElementById('day').value
  client.rpc.make('phone-call', { name, number, day }, (error, result) => {
    let msg
    if (error) {
      msg = `An error occurred while sending the invite:${error}`
    } else {
      msg = `Invite sent successfully`
  return false

After this you should receive a phone call that invites you to a party, followed by Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley.

And that's it. Thanks for sticking with me. Be sure to check out the other guides and integrations we have, or check out building something more substantial with deepstreamHub via an example app.