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This tutorial will take you through building a realtime pizza delivery tracking system for both Android and the web. At the end of this tutorial, we'll have a web interface where we can view our pizza deliveries in realtime and an Android application to provide these updates. We won't be covering Android specifics here or initialising our map in the browser, so take a look at our GitHub repository for this project and dive into the code.

Create a free account and get your API key

Realtime updates via Android application

The first thing we'll do is create the Android side of the application to provide the realtime updates. We'll be creating a new Android application with a LoginActivity template, you can find more information on this here. We can then include the Java client SDK in our build.gradle file as follows.

compile 'io.deepstream:deepstream.io-client-java:2.0.4'

With the Java SDK, there are a few different ways of instantiating the client. Because the same client will need to be passed between activities, we'll be using the DeepstreamFactory. Instantiating a client with this is as simple as:

DeepstreamFactory deepstreamFactory = DeepstreamFactory.getInstance();
DeepstreamClient client = deepstreamFactory.getClient("<Your app url>");

Using the UserLoginTask already included in the LoginActivity, we can login the user using the details they provide. You'll need to ensure that email auth has been enabled and that any user trying to login has been added to the application.

LoginResult result;
DeepstreamClient client;
try {
    client = deepstreamFactory.getClient("<Your app url>");
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    return false;

JsonObject authData = new JsonObject();
authData.addProperty("type", "email");
authData.addProperty("email", mEmail);
authData.addProperty("password", mPassword);

LoginResult result = client.login(authData);
return result.loggedIn();

From here we just proceed to our TrackingActivity via an intent.

Once in the new activity, we can get a reference to our client via DeepstreamFactory.getClient(). This will get the last created client from the factory.

Next we need to get the list of users in our pizza tracker app and, if they're not already there, add the user.

List users = client.record.getList( "pizza-tracker/users" );
if( !Arrays.asList( users.getEntries() ).contains( state.getEmail() )) {
  users.addEntry( state.getEmail() );

The last thing we need to do from the Android side is create a LocationManager that updates our Record with the current coordinates when we move. To initialise our location record we just call client.record.getRecord as follows. We pass in the email we logged in with, so that the Record name corresponds with our entry in the List.

Record locationRecord = client.record.getRecord(mEmail);

Our LocationListener just looks as follows, updating the Record whenever our location changes:

private final LocationListener locationListenerGPS = new LocationListener() {
  public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    double longitudeNetwork = location.getLongitude();
    double latitudeNetwork = location.getLatitude();

    JsonObject coords = new JsonObject();
    coords.addProperty( "lat", latitudeNetwork );
    coords.addProperty( "lng", longitudeNetwork );
    coords.addProperty( "online", true );
    locationRecord.set( coords );

which we then pass into a LocationManager and request updates.

locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

  LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 2 * 60 * 1000, 10, locationListenerGPS

Receive updates via JavaScript

Now that we have an Android application providing location updates on our pizza deliveries, we need a web interface to display these on.

Similar to the Android side of things, we need to login with our deepstreamHub client and then get the list of pizza deliverers.

client = deepstream('Your app URL')
client.login({}, function(success) {
  var list = client.record.getList('pizza-tracker/users')

Our renderList function just loops through every entry in the list and adds them to our map. It also subscribes to the List events entry-added and entry-removed.

function renderList(list) {
  list.on('entry-added', addDeliveryTracking)
  list.on('entry-removed', removeDeliveryTracking)

The meat and potatoes of our front end is in the addDeliveryTracking method. First we need to create a marker for our map.

var record = client.record.getRecord(trackingId)
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
  map: map,
  title: `Location of delivery person: ${trackingId}`,
  icon: pizzaIcon

Then we need to set the location of our marker to the position that the Record provides us.

record.whenReady((record) => {

and subscribe to updates, updating the marker on each update.

record.subscribe(function(data) {

After all this, we should have an application that looks as follows:


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