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With deepstreamHub's realtime events, you can easily build an activity steam just like you see on your Facebook wall. These events are emitted as a result of an action, thereby triggering updates to all subscribed clients.

Post Box

Getting started with deepstreamHub is easy and takes less than ten minutes. However, if you have any questions, please get in touch.

First, let's start by creating a free deepstreamHub account:

Create a free account and get your API key

deepstream provides a JavaScript library which helps in interacting with your deepstreamHub server.

Connect to deepstreamHub and log in

Include the JS-client library

<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/deepstream.io-client-js/2.1.1/deepstream.js"></script>

Get your app url from the dashboard and establish a connection to deepstreamHub

const ds = deepstream( '<YOUR APP URL>' );

and log in (we didn't configure any authentication, so there are no credentials required)


deepstreamHub Events

Events are deepstreamHub’s publish-subscribe mechanism. Clients and backend processes can subscribe to event-names (sometimes also called “topics” or “channels”) and receive messages published by other endpoints.

Events are non-persistent, one-off messages. For persistent data, please use records.

Events, aka Pub/Sub, allows communication using a Publish-Subscribe pattern. A client/server emits an event, which is known as publishing and all connected (subscribed) clients/servers are triggered with the event's payload if any. This is a common pattern, not just in realtime systems, but software engineering generally.

Clients and backend processes can receive events using .subscribe()

ds.event.subscribe( 'posts-event', function( eventData ){ /*do stuff*/ });

... and publish events using .emit()

ds.event.emit( 'posts-event', {some: 'data'} );

Creating Posts

The mechanism for creating posts is simple. We need a textarea to collect the post content and a button to trigger an action:

<div class="post__image" id="post-image">

<div class="post__text">
    <textarea name="" id="post-content" rows="3">What's on your mind?</textarea>
<div class="post__control">
    <button id="post-button">Post</button>

The #post-image div will be updated with the avatar of the user posting. For simplicity, these avatar images will be fetched using the Random User API.

Let's quickly fetch the random user on page load:

let user = {};
    url: 'https://randomuser.me/api/',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {
        user = data.results[0];
        $('#post-image').append(`<img src="${user.picture.medium}" />`)

We have a global user object which we update with the data from Random User API. We also update the new post box avatar so we can visually tell who is posting:

Post Box

When the post content is filled and the post button clicked, we expect to emit an event with this post content and the user we just received as the event payload:

$('#post-button').click(_ => {
    const now = new Date();
    const time = now.toTimeString().split(' ')[0];

    if(user.name) {
        ds.event.emit('posts-event', {
            content: $('#post-content').val(),
            name: user.name.first + ' ' + user.name.last,
            picture: user.picture.medium,
            time: time

The event object is available on the deepstream instance, ds. We use this to emit a posts-event event which also has a payload object that the subscribed clients can consume.

Updating Post Streams

Now that we are publishing information, we need clients to listen and subscribe to these information. This can still be done via the event object on the deepstream instance:

<div class="cards" id="cards"></div>
ds.event.subscribe('posts-event', data => {
    const html = `
        <div class="card new_card">
            <div class="card__header">
                <div class="card__image">
                    <img src="${data.picture}" alt="" />
                <div class="card__name-time">
                    <h4 class="card__name">${data.name}</h4>
                    <div class="card__time">${data.time}</div>
            <div class="card__content">

The subscribe method takes a callback, and this callback receives the payload as parameter. We then build a markup with this payload and inject the markup into our DOM.

Visual Feedback

Notice that the cards markup parent element has new_card class. This card helps give a visual feedback to the user by flashing a blue background on the new post. The animation is basic and with CSS keyframes:

.new_card {
  animation-name: newPost;
  animation-iteration-count: 1;
  animation-timing-function: ease-out;
  animation-duration: 1s;

@keyframes newPost {
  0% {
    background: #fff;
  50% {
    background: #C3D0E9;
    color: #fff;
  100% {
    background: #fff;

More Examples

We at deepstreamHub have built and are building a lot of awesome example apps like the one we have just seen. You can checkout the Realtime Todo List, Android Chat App, and more...

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